Harvesting Potatoes | Easy, When & How to | Raised Bed Potatoes
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Casey Lynn Lawrence had you follow along all season, during her first year growing potatoes. Now it is time to Harvest them! Find out when you need to harvest, how to harvest and see how easy growing Potatoes can be! Since this is her first year growing potatoes, she wants to get her Dad, Farmer Wayne’s Opinion on her bounty.(7th generation farmer) Ride along with Casey to her Dad’s Farm, once she’s done harvesting, and see what he has to say about her Harvest! The Lawrence Network hopes you enjoy another ‘Gardening with Casey Lynn Lawrence’, video! Casey’s Videos are always simple, fun and full of information and close ups! Feel free to follow Casey’s Passion for Gardens, Homes and Family on Instagram, @CaseyLynnLawrence or on Facebook, @CaseyLynnLawrence