Browse Every Blog, post, picture, and video Casey has made.
How to Plant A Raised Garden Bed
How to Plant A Raised Garden Bed
Photographed. Filmed. Created by:

My raised garden beds are very unique, I love intermixing flowers into each raised bed right along with the vegtables. I do this because I wanted my raised garden beds to look Amazing and be functional. Our Raised beds are all located in our ‘Garden Oasis’. This is where we hang out the most so I want to make sure it feels and looks good!
I do put thought into what goes into each bed along with how each plant is placed. If something is going to trail it will need to be placed towards the outside of the raised bed. If something is going to be 3′ to 4′ tall then that is something that should get placed towards the middle of the raised bed.
I want the raised beds to look amazing once they are all grown in, so I need to be sure and place things where they will do well and look good at the end of the summer. In this video I will take you through each raised bed and show you what I have planted in each one and I will show where and why I planted certain things like I did.
Zucchini Noodle Recipe | Quick & Easy
Zucchini Noodle Recipe | Quick & Easy
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This time of year, we are all swamped with all of the Zucchini being produced in our Gardens. And right now, everyone is talking about Zucchini Noodles!! So what do we do with all of that Zucchini? Well, Casey Lynn Lawrence invites you into her kitchen to share her favorite Zucchini Noodle Recipe. It’s Quick and SO Easy, anybody can duplicate it after watching this video! No measuring, just toss in ingredients! Great flavor for the whole family. This recipe serves 1, so if you are cooking for more than one, then double, triple or quadruple the recipe! It’s that easy!
Planting A Window Box – Secret Tips
Planting a Window Box – Secret Tips
Photographed. Filmed. Created by:

My Secrets on how to plant a window box, a Big and Beautiful window box! First off I like to remove the soil that is in the box and here is why. After the fall-time is over and the plants and flowers in the window boxes are dead I remove them. Once December comes, I like to cut and place pine bows into the box, that way they look nice and decorated for the winter season and Christmas of course, which is my favorite time of the year!
So, I remove the pine bows come spring along with the soil that is inside the window boxes. I replace with new soil and I use potting soil, Jolly Gardeners Pro Mix, which I get from my parents Garden Center. You will most likely have to go to a Garden Center to find this. I don’t think that the big box stores, like Home Depot, ect.. will have this. I really believe that having new fresh potting soil to start with is one of the reasons my boxes get so big and do so well!
After the soil is replaced with new potting soil, it’s time for one of my Secret Moves, this actually isn’t in the video either! I add in Osmocote Time Release fertilizer, you can follow the instruction on it, but basically you are going to sprinkle it over the top of the soil. This ensures that when we have those rainy days your plants are getting fertilized and not just rained on over and over again. To have big and beautiful window boxes everything needs to be fertilized. Adding this in makes a huge difference. It’s my fertilizing back up plan! Here is an Amazon link if you would like to purchase it
After everything is planted I fertilize once per week with a water soluble fertilizer, Jack’s Bloom Booster. Then once mid season/summer comes around I am doing this twice per week! Here is a link for the Jack’s Bloom Booster if you would like to purchase it
Now check out the video where I will talk about the maintenance of the flowers and plants inside the window box and I will call out each plant and flower I used in this window box.
Just Life, ‘Summer Nights in the Garden’, Season 2: Episode 20
Just Life, ‘Summer Nights in the Garden’, Season 2: Episode 20
Photographed. Filmed. Created by:

Casey and Jason Lawrence share parts of their life, living on their little Farm in the Midwest. In this episode, enjoy a typical summer night with this Family. Enjoy a night in the gardens, see what Casey’s doing in her garden, and what they are about to eat from the garden to table. Watch their little girls, Lana and Sayla, give you a garden tour of Mommy’s Gardens. Meet the 2 NEW additions to the Lawrence Family. They are cute and Fluffy!!! End the night with dinner over the fire and s’mores for dessert! It’s ‘Just Life’ in the Midwest!
Harvesting Potatoes | Easy, When&How To | Raised Bed Potatoes
Harvesting Potatoes | Easy, When & How to | Raised Bed Potatoes
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Casey Lynn Lawrence had you follow along all season, during her first year growing potatoes. Now it is time to Harvest them! Find out when you need to harvest, how to harvest and see how easy growing Potatoes can be! Since this is her first year growing potatoes, she wants to get her Dad, Farmer Wayne’s Opinion on her bounty.(7th generation farmer) Ride along with Casey to her Dad’s Farm, once she’s done harvesting, and see what he has to say about her Harvest! The Lawrence Network hopes you enjoy another ‘Gardening with Casey Lynn Lawrence’, video! Casey’s Videos are always simple, fun and full of information and close ups! Feel free to follow Casey’s Passion for Gardens, Homes and Family on Instagram, @CaseyLynnLawrence or on Facebook, @CaseyLynnLawrence
Herb Gardening | How to Grow Herbs | Most Beautiful Herb Garden
Herb Gardening | How to Grow & Maintain Herbs | Most Beautiful Herb Garden
Photographed. Filmed. Created by:

Casey Lynn Lawrence shows you her beautiful Herb Garden. See a few of her varieties, Plus, a variety called, Borage, that Casey is trying for the First time! Learn how she controls a large assortment of plants in one container, and how she controls and keeps everything looking amazing all season long! Casey’s Secrets to a Beautiful Herb Garden!